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We're closing out past-season styles. Get it while you can!


The Showers Pass team is always ready for outdoor action, regardless of the weather. We're an outdoor apparel company specializing in waterproof breathable material, so we really don't have an excuse. While we realize that not everyone shares a penchant for voluntarily venturing out into inclement weather, we thought a few of our customers would, and we weren't wrong. 

Below are some selected rain stories from customers which we feel highlight our belief that rainy days can be the backdrop for an unforgettable experience. 


"For 16 years I had been taking spin classes, and I had amassed a pretty rockin’ locker full of spin clothes if I do say so myself. Then came the pandemic, and then came the panic... How could I replace spin? Why, with actual, real-life cycling outside on the streets of Philadelphia, PA. I joined the Bicycle Club of Philadelphia and was initiated into all things cycling. In addition to a bike with two actual wheels, there was the gear! Everything from extra inner tubes and miniature tire pumps to jerseys with lots of pockets and spandex with chamois. But the one thing that I really needed for our mid-Atlantic spring weather was a light, waterproof and windproof jacket that would keep me warm and dry and that was fashionista worthy as well. I combed the internet and found Showers Pass. Fast forward - I received the jacket a week ago and had the opportunity to test drive it today! On the way home from our 30 mile hill ride, the clouds burst and rain fell from the skies. On the ride home, I stayed dry! The longer tail was especially welcome protecting my seat from rain sliding down and off the jacket. It was raining, but it was also quite humid. The pit vents were phenomenally handy, and they zip down, making it easy to ride and unzip simultaneously. I enclosed my photo, where you can see a very happy, satisfied and styling’ woman cyclist! Thank you Showers Pass for making outstanding gear." - Marsha M.


"I've been a life-long runner and often put in lots of miles training for the Boston Marathon (where I live) and in various cities my work has taken me to. I have always been intrigued by differences I've noticed in the likelihood that people I'd see coming past me in the other direction while running on a trail or bike path will reply to my greetings. I had a clear sense that people in the Boston-area would often completely ignore a hello from a fellow runner, even if the "hello" was said quite clearly.

One Spring I decided to put this to the test. I was scheduled to be in Phoenix, Arizona to review the operations of CIGNA's claims office there. I'd be there for a whole week. So every morning when I went for my morning run (anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes) as pedestrians, bikers, or runners approached me; when they were about 5 yards from me I'd say in a distinct and clear voice, "Good morning, how are you doing?"

The score? 90% of Phoenix people would answer back to such a greeting.

Returning to Boston I repeated the experiment. No surprise to me, only 35% of Bostonians would respond.

However, a BIG SURPRISE to me was: one day, in Boston, 100% of the people I met that morning responded. What was different about that day? There was a driving rain that morning. So for that one day, everyone who was out could count themselves among the intrepid. In that situation everyone responded to hello. After all, "We're a team" and we all agree with the slogan 'There is no such thing as bad weather, just wrong gear!'" - John G.

"The Quad Dipsea (run from Mill Valley to Stinson Beach - back to MV - Stinson Beach again and end back at Mill Valley - 28 miles of hills) is always the Saturday after Thanksgiving. This year the weather was overcast but not terribly cold. On the 3rd leg of the run it started to rain but not bad. By the time I got to one of the aid stations at the top of one of the hills it was blowing so hard bananas were being swept off the tables. I was soaked and shaking so badly I could hardly hold the water cup. Along comes a runner and his girlfriend. He asked the aid for a plastic bag and immediately made holes in it for me and put it over my head. The plastic helped warm my body almost instantly. As the runners started to leave I asked him to do me one more favor. 'Please - can you strap my fanny pack around the bag to keep it closer to my body?' Then we all 3 got going again. I did finish the run with the help of the garbage bag, and the couple and we eventually became running buddies." - Fran G.

"Awhile back, I decided to do a solo ride from Seattle to Spokane via North Cascades Highway, Omak, Wauconda, Republic, etc. I didn't examine maps really; just quickly chose a scenic route, packed bags and started riding. Funny how roads look flat on maps... Anyway, after a decent day of climbing, I rested HARD in a pirate-camp by the Columbia River somewhere north of Omak. After a night of torrential rains, I was blessed with spectacular air, light, and roads to ride through Riverside and Tonasket feeling like I'd found a new sort of heaven. And then a MASSIVE thunderhead rounded the corner bringing ferocious winds, rifle-shot pelting of rain mixed with helmet-rattling bursts of hail. Thing is, I'd never heard of Showers Pass, hadn't brought much gear, and I was too wet and cold to stand anywhere 'hiding.' So I rode. And smiled. And convinced myself that dorms and Showers Pass. And then I encountered Wauconda Pass, where I geared down, and had to stop because of the coolest, weirdest rock on the side of the road, lit in a notable way by the storm, rain, bursts of lightening, and I-Am-Fully-Alive mood. I put the rock in my bag, watched. A Double rainbow burst into full bloom and I found my way to Republic where bright sun and beer helped my clothes dry out. I told myself I'd better get some good rain gear. And then I did (thanks for your excellent gear!) And later, I asked a rock star at the university to look at my discovery and he said, 'My word, I think you found yourself a meteorite!'" - Lou J.

"We were on a bike packing trip along the north coast of the Netherlands, and while April in Holland might make you think of tulips and blue skies, we found ourselves fighting intermittent bursts of wind-driven rain and hail that whipped against our faces as we pedaled through stands of swaying pine trees and open vistas of undulating sand and grass. The wind was so strong that at one point we had to get off our bikes and crouch behind some trees for protection. The rain and hail was cold and painful, but at the same time, it all felt exhilarating: nature in the Netherlands can often feel curated and manicured but in that moment, there was no doubt that we were experiencing wildness. And it was even more beautiful than tulips could ever be." - Melissa S.